Hi, I'm David

and this is personal

Hi, I'm David

and this is personal

My whole life has been the perfect set up for what I do now – being a transformational coach to help people get free is what I was born for. 

The theme of my existence is overcoming the huge challenges that life has thrown at me – both harsh events beyond my control and the compulsive responses I made. It’s been a long hard road of patience and work to get where I am now.  I could not have had a better set up to now guide others through mind blowing, deep and lasting transformation.

No matter how hard, how big, how bad it’s been, I’m now equipped to guide others through to the quality of life that I have achieved for myself: one of joy, purpose and freedom.

Here’s some of my life story:

Early years:

Fighting to control my emotions

I never knew my real father. The man who took his place died when I was 8. My mother got addicted to hard drugs and I spent years of my childhood trying to get her to show up for her sons. I failed, and she died a gruesome death when I was 16.

Highly sensitive but having no idea how to manage that, my emotions got the better of me and I acted out in rage. I stole my first car at 13 and made it most of the way from Florida to New York City before State Troopers caught me. That was like something out of the movies and the thrill of the steal, the speed and the chase gave me a high that became my fix. I was headed for a life behind bars.


My first real training in what it takes to turn a life around came through “The Last Chance Ranch” where dedicated men guided, mentored, coached and taught me in ways that I will never forget. They proved to me the enormous difference a person can make for another by showing up fully, with full commitment, care and skill. The power of what they did for me lives on with my clients now.


I came out of college when I discovered my dedication for the following 20+ years. Ballroom dance. The extraordinary possibility of two people, exactly on the same page, communicating fully but silently, with total trust, surrender and cooperation, performing with 100% presence in their being and precision and excellence in their whole body – inspired me to learn all I could. It’s such an amazing metaphor for showing up in life.


Years of trauma had me so out of touch with my body and such a bad dancer when I began it’s a miracle that I learned. Again, I was blessed with world class teachers who met me where I was, stayed with me step by step until the potential locked up in me came out. I became a professional, a champion and a top 10 teacher. That level of radical “before” and “after” contrast is common for my clients now.

I owned a studio, developed a team of teachers who worked for me and made it a place where people could heal and become the best version of themselves. I was most interested in people overcoming whatever was in the way of becoming their best selves for the sake of their lives and being, but many of those dancers also became professionals and won championship competitions around the world.


I discovered the power of meditation about ten years ago and have been an avid, dedicated practitioner and teacher ever since. The practice provides profound insight, awareness and calm.

I’ve studied rare and powerful transformational methods that have had me see my life as a gift. What were sources of grief and pain I now see as the source of my greatest gifts. I have become deeply grateful for my life and all that it has taught me.

It’s prepared me to be a master transformational coach, here for you, now.

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